Thermal Camouflage Suits


See, Be Seen, Be not Seen

  • Security forces execute operations through these five major activities; to see, shape, secure, impact and deploy. Of these major activities on the battlefield EPENEK excels at SEEING AND SECURING upon its vast battle experience and expertise.

    To See

    A commander needs to see the entire battle field in order to direct his own efforts. To see is to bring about the very picture which is an integral part of every phase of an operation. Seeing makes more sense than knowing. Troops with higher situational awareness is superior to those lacking it. When we see, we see the;

·         Adversary

·         Environment

·         Friendly

·         Neutral

  • Thereby we secure the friendly, neutral, environment and deny adversary.

    See Without Being Seen, Return Without Being Killed

    To Secure (Survivability):

    Measures that unit takes to preserve itself from adversary’s espionage, surveillance, harassment and attack of any kind. Survivability incorporates all active and passive measures providing force protection and operations security. Regardless of the type of operation combatant commanders are to develop appropriate measures to preserve survivability and combat power. Survivability entails:

    Being seen by the friendly

    Being not seen by the adversary

    • Being seen by the friendly (Identification Friend or Foe Systems (IFF))
    • Passive Identification Systems
            - Thermal Systems
    ▪ Personnel/Vehicle Identification Systems
    ▪ Personnel Identification Systems
    ▪ Unit/Team Identification Systems
    ▪ Vehicle/Facility Identification Systems
            - IR Systems
    ▪ Personnel/Vehicle Identification Systems
    ▪ Personnel Identification Systems
    ▪ Vehicle/Facility Identification Systems
    • Active Identification Systems
    • Being not seen by the adversary
    • Active Concealment Systems
    • Passive Concealment Systems